Fiffes Objects 2.1

  • Fiffes Objects 2.1
  • Fiffes Objects 2.1
  • Fiffes Objects 2.1
  • Fiffes Objects 2.1
  • Fiffes Objects 2.1

UNKNOWNS 7790 Views ~ Posted 05-06-2015

3 Comments 3.x.x License

You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. Notices: You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation. No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material. Read More @

3867 Download

Another pack for Unturned featuring 67 high-quality custom objects for you to use in your maps. All objects has collision, they detect impacts and zombies navigate through them. 

Fiffs Trello 


Item Objects & ID's In Pack Below
FFHall_0 5401, FFChimney_0 5402, FFWall_0 5403, FFSilo_0 5404, FFOffice_0 5406, FFGate_0 5407, FFStorage_0 5408, FFGatehouse_0 5409, FFFurnace_0 5410, FFWorkbench_0 5411, FFPress_0 5412, FFDesk_0 5413, FFKochi_0 5414, FFBloc_0 5415, FFCinema_0 5416, FFCinemaChair_0 5417, FFProjector_0 5418, FFProjectorTable_0 5419, FFCinemaScreen_0 5420, FFPool_0 5421, FFSpring_0 5422, FFLockers_0 5423, FFLockers_1 5424, FFPoolBench_0 5425, FFPoolTower_0 5426, FFLifebuoy_0 5427, FFNoWay_0 5428, FFDirection_0 5429, FFGarage_0 5430, FFMall_0 5431, FFBanner_0 5432, FFBanner_1 5433, FFBanner_2 5434, FFBanner_3 5435, FFHospital_0 5436, FFPrison_0 5437, FFPrison_1 5438, FFShaft_0 5439, FFPrisonBars_0 5440, FFPrisonBars_1 5441, FFPrison_2 5442, FFSpikes_0 5443, FFPrison_3 5444, FFPrison_4 5445, FFBunk_0 5446, FFGunStore_0 5447, FFKebab_0 5448, FFMusicStore_0 5449, FFTrainStation_0 5450, FFGunCabinet_0 5451, FFSearchlight_0 5452, FFSearchlight_1 5453, FFTable_0 5454, FFTruck_0 5455, FFChurch_0 5456, FFCastle_0 5457, FFPlatform_0 5458, FFFerrisWheel_0 5459, FFWindTurbine_0 5500, FFBridge_0 5501, FFBridge_1 5502, FFPlatform_1 5503, FFPlatform_2 5504, FFFence_0 5505, FFShack_0 5506, FFSchool_0 5508, FFAltar_1 5510, FFEasterEgg_0 5511

Mod Made By Fiffe
If you are the creator of this content and wish to upload it onto Unturned-Planet under your own name then please do & this one will be removed.

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DABRIT 10 years ago


Put them inside the folder below.

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonUnturnedBundlesObjects


jujuflipeur2000 10 years ago

How to install this mod, please ?

Where to drag the folder's mod ?



UNKNOWNS 10 years ago

Well i just realized , that i forgot to upload the file , its now been fixed!