Lunars Guns

  • Lunars Guns
  • Lunars Guns
  • Lunars Guns
  • Lunars Guns
  • Lunars Guns

UNKNOWNS 15175 Views ~ Posted 12-07-2015

2 Comments 3.x.x License

Free to due as you wish as long as you link to the real creator.

5790 Download

The pack has now been updated to Unity 5

Now you can get all my weapons in one easy package!
Simply extract the .zip into your unturned/bundles/items/guns folder!

The H&K G36C.
Gun: 1022; Sight: 1023

The H&K USC.
Gun: 1050; Mag: 1051; Sight: 1052

The H&K SR9.
Gun: 1024; Mag: 1025

The H&K SL8-6.
Gun: 1038; Mag: 1039

Gun:1027; Mag:1028; Sight:1029; Suppressor: 1035

The Accuracy International L96A1.
Gun: 1031; Mag: 1032; 18x Scope: 1033; Suppressor: 1034

The Walther PPK.
Gun: 1020; Mag: 1021; Suppressor: 1030

The Walther WA-2000.
Gun: 1036; Mag: 1037

The Golden Gun.
Gun: 1007; Ammo: 1008

The Nyanfire. Because why the ♥♥♥♥ not.
Gun: 1010; Mag: 1011; Sight: 1012

This pack can be found on the workshop at:

Made By Lunarpolitiks
If you are the creator of this content and wish to upload it onto Unturned-Planet under your own name then please do & this one will be removed or moved to your account.



theghost2992 9 years ago

I write as if to keep them after installing all , I write to respawn and other things I appear?

theghost2992 9 years ago

como le hago para respawnearlas?