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Unturned Update Notes
If you're interested in testing out this upcoming update head on over to the Preview branch! You can gain access by right clicking on Unturned in your Steam library, selecting properties, navigating to the Betas tab and entering the secret passcode "OPERATIONMAPLELEAF".
Happy Canada day!
Thanks for reading!
If you're interested in testing out this upcoming update head on over to the Preview branch! You can gain access by right clicking on Unturned in your Steam library, selecting properties, navigating to the Betas tab and entering the secret passcode "OPERATIONMAPLELEAF".
- Added red kobra sight. [ID 1004]
- Added option to enable/disable height fog.
- Added basic vehicle documentation:
Workshop: VehiclesA Guide for UnturnedThis guide explains how to create vehicles for Unturned.
- Improved pathfinding to allow higher speeds without stuttering.
- Improved honeybadger sound to be unique.
- Improved vehicle handling.
- Tweaked zombie speed higher.
- Tweaked zombie count higher.
- Tweaked horn detect radius higher.
- Tweaked gun/ammo spawn rate lower.
- Tweaked honeybadger range lower.
- Tweaked vehicle alert radius.
- Fixed matamorez description.
- Fixed rope shaders. [This was a complete hack. Unity 5 doesn't seem to support diffuse shaders on line renderers anymore, so I used an unlit shader and multiplied the rope color by the current ambient lighting.]
Happy Canada day!
Thanks for reading!