Gore Pack v2.0

  • Gore Pack v2.0

UNKNOWNS 3800 Views ~ Posted 15-06-2015

5 Comments 3.x.x License

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1230 Download

This pack does not include version 1.0 Hey everyone! So we have just finished the second Gore model pack, and we think it's even more gruesome than the last! Now we'll be moving on to slightly less morbid things. -GoreGuyGunshot: This poor soul is not a victim of the apocalypse, but a victim of the survivors. Hell, he's probably your victim. -GoreGuyLynch: This unfortunately fated fellow met his demise either to himself, or some good ol' fashioned 18th century justice. Either way, he ended up hanging from the treetops (or the ceiling fan, or the included gallows model.) -GoreGuyMangled: This guy... you had better hope that this guy was the victim of a zombie, because if he isn't, there's something far more frightening out there in the wastes. 'Nuff said. -GoreSplatter: The brand new blood splatter, made for walls, is a major improvement upon the GorePool from the first GorePack. It's perfect for anyone's backyard crime scene. -Gallows: Made as an accessory to the GoreGuyLynch model, this 300 year old punishment contraption still stands strong (and functional), even after it was hit by an apocalypse. Just goes to show; the old ways are the best ways.


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DABRIT 10 years ago

@Biscuitz what do you mean or what are you asking?


Biscuitz 10 years ago

Am i supposed to save it or nah .-.


Phowell2015 10 years ago

Your welcome!


UNKNOWNS 10 years ago


Thanks for pointing that out its now fixed.


Phowell2015 10 years ago

cant download...