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Fighter Jet: For when the zombies start using carbombs and IEDs, and you decide you've had enough of them terrorizing someone elses country. Military Tent: That little home-away-from-home for all of you military base dwellers. This time, with those rods that support tents! Medical Tent: A sliver of hope, when you've just broken your legs and started to bleed out, because you thought it'd be funny to punch a fully armored player in the face. Unfortunately, it's already been looted. Good luck in the afterlife! Sandbags: Those useless, able-to-shoot-through/jump-over defenses. They basically say "No, go ahead, jump over. But if you do.. Oh, if you do..." Range Target: Whether you want to learn to shoot, or you want to practice because you've already killed everyone and everything within a sixteen mile radius, this piece of humanoid, bullet-resistent non-metal is the perfect imaginary ex-wife for you!
Mod Made By WayneNameYo1
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1 Comment
MacLamac 10 years ago
Bro you can walk through everything. You should try and fix that.