Adminmod v0.1.1

  • Adminmod v0.1.1
  • Adminmod v0.1.1
  • Adminmod v0.1.1
  • Adminmod v0.1.1
  • Adminmod v0.1.1

UNKNOWNS 5532 Views ~ Posted 17-05-2015

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This is an weapon and item mods for Admins 

All weapons do much dmg which kill everyone one hit ! 

Admin_Barrel ID = 1001
Admin_Gun ID= 1004
Admin_kit ID=1007
Admin_Knife ID=1008
Admin_Mask ID= 1006
Admine_MRE ID= 1002
Admin_Pants ID= 1009
Admin_Top ID= 1010
Admin_Vest ID= 1011
Adminpack ( backpack) 15x25 ID= 1000

The Adminkit fill your life 100% and your sickness, too ( heal broken legs, bleeding)
The Admin MRE decrease your hunger and thirst 100%
For the Admin Gun use Military magazines.
The Knife can hit far 

Mod Made By GigaCookie
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