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2601 Download
This mod adds in total 26 items into the game but to be honest It might be more. Please don't expect much from this, after all I did just make this for me and my friend but I decided to upload this any way because I was bored. If this does get lots of good feedback I might start updating the pack regularly but still do not expect much.
This modpack adds more guns,a scope, food/water, and attachments.
Matamorez - 3010
Rucksack - 2000
M4A1 - 2004
Ninja Pack - 2001
Swag Barrel - 2009
Matamorez Barrel - 2013
Rations - 2014
Ghillie pack - 2015
20x Scope - 2016
Civillian Silencer - 2006
50 Cal Drum - 2012
50 Cal Magazine - 2011
M1 Garand - 2003
M1 Garand Clip - 3020
Matamorez Magazine - 3011
Swag Drum mag - 2008
M82 Barret 50CAL - 2010
Logical Nonsense Gun - 2007
Silenced Auto Colt - 2005
Theif Blade - 2018
Maplestrike - 2019
Maplestrike Barrel - 2020
AA12 - 2021
AA12 Drum - 2022
Tec 9 4207
Tec 9 ammo 4209
Mod Made By TBTerabyte
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