BLUEs New Country Gunpack
Hello guys and gals, BLUE here introducing myself with a small modpack.
I don't expect many people to LOVE this, I just wanted to make a simple modpack for people to mess around with, Also there is a text document that has a list of item IDs, names, and descriptions. That is to help people understand the guns and learn the IDs without having to go through a million files. Your welcome. :P Most of the guns in this pack will come from many different countries including Germany, France, and even China! Let the "Name pronouncing game" begin! Anyways I will be updating this whenever I get new ideas and suggestions. So if anyone wants a gun, you can think of a name, (Or I can name it after you, your choice), a design or style, and the details, like which state it came from. I'll be listening. :) But thank you if you read this far and I hope you enjoy!
-Added Escopeta
-Added Escopeta Magazine
-Added Bellmocht
-Added Quincy
-Added ID Document
-Updated ID Document
-Added Amerwood
-Added Shadowling
V3 (May say V2 :P)
-Removed V1 and V2 guns and ID list
-Added new ID Document (with correct IDs)
-Added Andre-7
-Added Eagledoge
-Added Kriss
-Added Masao
-Added Pinefox
-Added Refield
-Added Reiner
-Added Rhinoshock
-Added Shadowstrike
-Updated ID Document
-Added Arcanov
-Added Falconstar
-Added Foxhound
-Added Negotiator
-Added Predator
-Added SKS
-Added Spade
-Added Wildfire
-Added Bellmocht
Mod Made By BLUE
If you are the creator of this content and wish to upload it onto Unturned-Planet under your own name then please do & this one will be removed.
jeffis 10 years ago
I you search for it go to images yo can find it plus you can add a attachment or 2 of your choice.
Would love if u made this
jeffis 10 years ago
can you make a MP5 you can call it the Micro-pact 5th