Havoc Islands v2

  •  Havoc Islands v2
  •  Havoc Islands v2
  •  Havoc Islands v2
  •  Havoc Islands v2
  •  Havoc Islands v2

UNKNOWNS 3989 Views ~ Posted 18-05-2015

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-Military base
-Military ruled town
-Solar Plant
-Trade Depot
-6 Normal Towns

Towns with items: (places worth going to)
All of them

If you have any suggestions for the map that still fit the theme, please tell me in the comments below.


After an experimental zombifying bomb is released on an unsuspecting city, every living creature within 20 miles of the explosion radius was exposed to the chemical. After a year of the military keeping this chemical from spreading further than the islands, the turned forces overwhelmed the troops, leaving the rest of the world vulnerable. Long after the breach, the group of survivor scientists you have been living with sent you to the islands to get a sample of the chemical to search for a cure after the air was safe enough for humans to be exposed. As you arrive, you notice the engines on fire. You remember one of the effects of the chemical is that it can ignite jet engine fuel if exposed. The chemical still had just enough instability to use that effect. Your plane crashes and you find yourself alone on the island with no way out. Or are you alone?

Mod Made By peytonx741
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