Showdown PvP

  • Showdown PvP

UNKNOWNS 1762 Views ~ Posted 18-05-2015

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Prepare for Showdown! This Small PvP-Map is based on a small, abandoned military island, in which you and your friends (or enemies?) are going to fight to your last breath. Based on 3 spawn points, you can drop off your oponents and yourself to let the showdown begin. A mixture of hiding and active killing will bring a lot of fun and tension into the game - will you survive against your enemies?

This map has a lot of itemspawns, so theoretically you can jump in and play. This is not a survival map, if you try to do so you will fail pretty early... Collect some loot and fight your friends or prepare yourselves some own awesome PvP-Kits in the Lobby House! Also try to vary the game - for example you can "change the gamemode" into CTF (CaptureTheFlag). Set up 2 crates with a certain item in it and try to get the target item in your base without dying! Also, you can do a Offense/Defense game, in which 1 team has to defend a building while the other team has to try to dominate the game - meaning you have to kill the defenders to take over their "castle"! All this, and you can even imagine more!

Have Fun with this map, i hope you enjoy playing on Showdown PvP

Mod Made By Thunderstrike
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