Atlanta Georgia

  • Atlanta Georgia
  • Atlanta Georgia
  • Atlanta Georgia
  • Atlanta Georgia
  • Atlanta Georgia

UNKNOWNS 8113 Views ~ Posted 18-05-2015

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V.12 (MAJOR UPDATE) There might be a few updates in the future. Open to suggestions!
Change log: Re added the wood bridge but in a different location. added the destroyed train tunnel. updated items. fixed some messed up props. added a outpost in the snow area. added the snow area. added more to the refugee camp. added a reason for the military ship to sink. added some details to the military ship. added a train wreck on the tunnel bridge by fair view. added more TWD reference by the Atlanta tank c: .
if you like this i have a twitter i don't do much there but meh:
Your story begins when you wake up in your bed at midnight, You hear something on TV You look at it and see horrific Images of people eating each other in the Big city, Atlanta. You look outside to see Two people wandering around in the streets aimlessly you avoid them to look behind your house only to see F-16 Fighter jets dropping Napalm on the city. You can hear people screaming and fire burning from your house you attempt to leave using a tunnel but they all have been destroyed. The rest is up to you...


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