
  • Desert
  • Desert
  • Desert
  • Desert
  • Desert

UNKNOWNS 3436 Views ~ Posted 18-05-2015

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Welcome! This is a self-made map, due to the construction in the early, there will be a lot of things did not join.

So I will be divided into several times with the new upload.
Note: due to the map building map was still in its early stages, so a lot of things is not perfect (but the map to see the sunrise in the morning is good)

Will the future plans to add on the map: A, B, C, but due to various cities (BUG) causes the map construction progress was slow.

There are a lot of materials at the beginning of birth places by the petrol station, but too much (only built early preparations for the map, in the latter will delete)

If you like (just like you), you can put in my steam recommendations or the need for rectification of the local thanks!

I steam:The Fucking BOYS(you may feel that my English was very strange but I won't tell you I was using a machine translation ← ←)

Mod Made By the fucking BOYS!
If you are the creator of this content and wish to upload it onto Unturned-Planet under your own name then please do & this one will be removed.

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