Tanah Raya (Beta 0.7)
Welcome to Tanah Raya, an isolated island in the middle of the Caspian Sea. Tanah Raya is heavily specialized in the shipping industry, importing a diverse amount of materials in and out of the island. Often thought to be the source of the zombie outbreak, Tanah Raya is an infamous island across the world. According to rumors, the virus traveled in freight ships as they spread out across the world. Anyways, Tanah Raya is a detailed, beautiful, and diverse map perfect for any sort of survivor. Every building is furnished, and all locations have extensive attention to detail. Good luck traversing Tanah Raya, and have fun survivors!
Note: Though Tanah Raya is fully covered in detail, there are still more towns and landmarks I would like to add. Stay tuned for any updates!
Make sure to rate and favorite Tanah Raya!
Check out my other map Stratis!
Update 0.7: First Release!
-The first release of Tanah Raya, featuring locations like Bazarbashi, Tanah Raya International, and Isanbulak Bridge.
-I plan to add several more locations, so keep in sync with Tanah Raya's development!
By Mrnoodle01