GoldRune Islands II Update 1

  • GoldRune Islands II Update 1
  • GoldRune Islands II
  • GoldRune Islands II

RGCastExE 2936 Views ~ Posted 09-06-2015

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Hey guy's this is my map and i hope you like it and please download and play,you will love this map...maybe,please read the story line to understand the map.Thanks.


It's been approximately 4 years.The sun was shining,the grass had a light green color,you could see the kids playing around the street,you could smell the fresh air comming from the sea,but it's all gone.Some scientists started working on a bacteria to save president's son from death,but instead they created a deadly pathogen that bringed people back to life,but they weren't humans anymore.First it was Wickerville then Smileyland and last but not least PEI(Prine Edward Island).Shortley after PEI got infected the military bombarded the major cities leeaving nothing but ashes.
The president's son know as Pacient 0,he lies in a science laboratory somewhere on the GoldRunes.And there you are travelling in what's left of humanity!.

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DABRIT 10 years ago

Your Map has been approved , I removed the other one that did not have an account to the map.