Dispite the zombies best efforts, they never got us all. And in the end, we did not get ourselfs. Throgh war and desasters we live. we have remaid contact with the outside world, and since, a home at Trats Island and now is our time to take back what has been lost.
in Unity 5!
This map is a WIP, but so far lots of content has been made. like let me give you a Incomplete list...
A wrected fortress, a layer of defense that withstud the masses of zombie but not ourselfs.
A farm with mutch to offer, includeing a secret...
A nice, nice beach. Or is it?
A safe haven, as i mentioned with lots of mid-grade items to start your adventure. includeing some hidden areas and spots to find better loot.
Some minor underwater exploraton, with loot up for grabs!
Several other things you will have to find for yourself.
Bored of nelsons zombies? They have nothing special in clothing? well be bored no more! As i have custom zombies with Hp, attack, and fashon that you may not have anywhare else.
Like loot? well i have over 120 loot tabels waiting for you! eatch with thair own teers of rareity.
AND, some special areas you have to build to! or out! for great loot! (most of the time).
And here is what is planed next...
To start the massive city, which will be a alot of hard work. and for you to if you dare to explore it!
Update notes.
Fixed the "hidden area" (as in i 100% redone it). All missing items are replaced from when unity 5 deleted all custom models. added the new sniper wepon to the spawn tabels.
Made the WHOLE MAP ONE NAVAGATION. meaning that the zombies can follow you to the ends of the earth. Added a mostly peacefull forest to explore as well as a area withen it also. And along the forest thare is a cliffside highway that will lead you to a great massive city (city will be in next update), and to the city's beach access, which has a nice area to check out. REMOVED ugly cliffsides, so thay are not a eyesore anymore.
Made the mega-city, placed nodes and put a few new zombies there! However, small objects, real loot, cars, and the zombie masses are not placed at this point. However... every thing else is looking great! And I Made all the adjustments related to 10.11.11? (or so). so those new items are in! With a few small but many additions of underwater exploration made, complete with worthwhile loot!
All items and drivable items added with the exception the explorer and the bus, which already has a table made when I do place them. Things like peacemakers, Yuri, Kiana, and other stuff is in. so feel free to shovel your way out of danger or race it out with the racecars. Some places of the mega-city is filled with items (two homes, planned areas of two sites). So feel free to check it out. NOTE: navigation for the map is poor, meaning its starting to act funky with things more than a farm or a beach. I may have to split the navigations but nelson may fix that in the USA map because he will have a mega-city of his own.
Bugs and gliches known.
-Zombies fall into water at the beach access dock.
-Gliches realated with movement in new metro-city.
- Nothing else! So enjoy!
This maps uses these assit packs.
-DABRITS Objects
-Military pack V2.0 (and above.)
-Construction Asset Pack
-Military Detail Pack v1.1 (not yet but possibly in future.)
-Army and Medical Tents (not yet but possibly in future.)
-Fiffes Objects 2.1
-Gore Pack v2.0
-Police Barricade
-Old "Door" Models"
-duder5495s Asset Pack
-Random Detail Pack v1
-Zymox's Lights Assets (not yet)
-Tkiller's Objects v2.2
Mateo1986 5 years ago
Scott 6 years ago
Rochixaoc 6 years ago
Looks good
Thedragon_yt 7 years ago
Its ok
Kamilson 7 years ago
link is not working ):
Ded34 7 years ago
Made In Barigui 8 years ago
Otimo site
Slapper101A 9 years ago
Good job PLEASE make a moded map with moded items and things and also have mods in the description
joao pedro 9 years ago
Dshawn242 9 years ago
faliyo101 9 years ago
JuaNIN 9 years ago
i can't download
JuaNIN 9 years ago
d3styn0 9 years ago
nice man
Deffeh Artz 9 years ago
good work! nice :D
Deffeh Artz 9 years ago
very good
Deffeh Artz 9 years ago
HexChees 9 years ago
Das ist gut map
Phowell2015 9 years ago
Sorry for the two farm pictures, as if i delete one it goes wonky
Phowell2015 9 years ago
only suggestion i can give is to look up how to download maps. Me myself i just put it into the unturnd's map folder, just make sure it is not a folder withen a folder as i have seen that happen.
Phowell2015 9 years ago
Sorry for not commeting early, but i know nothing about Mac and thanks for the gift. sorry if update is small but unturned is not letting me place things so i need to do some mantanance (like redownloading and replace map files if need be.)
jcar1234 10 years ago
Hi, I have been trying to download this map for a while now on my mac but it hasnt been working what do i do?
DarkTonic 10 years ago
Hey, I noticed that your description is a bit on the bad-grammar side, So I went ahead and went and retyped it for you! Consider this a little gift for making such a nice map :)
Despite the zombies best efforts, they never got us all, but in the end, we did not get ourselves... Despite the war and peril, we still live on...
We have remained contact with the outside world, and since, a home at Trats Island. The time is NOW to retake what we had lost…
Now proudly made in Unity 5!
This map is a WIP, but so far lots of content has been made. Here is a complete list!
A wrecked fortress, a layer of defense that defended against the hordes of zombies, but not ourselves…
A farm with much to offer, including a hidden secret...
A nice, nice beach… or is it?
A safe haven, as I mentioned with lots of middle-grade items to start your perilous adventure. Also includes some hidden areas and spots to find better loot.
Some minor underwater exploration, with loot up for grabs!
Several other hidden secrets for you to find on your own.
Bored of Nelson Sexton’s plain old zombies? Tired of the zombies having no fashion sense what so ever? Well, be bored no more! As I have created custom zombies with HP, Attack Damage, and Fashion that you might not be able to find anywhere else!
Like loot? Well, I have over 97 loot tables waiting for you to loot! All with their own tiers of rarity.
ALSO, Some special areas you have to build to! Or out to find great loot! (Most of the time).
Here is what is planed next...
To start the massive city, which will be a lot of hard work, for you to if you dare to explore it!
Phowell2015 10 years ago
Update notes tomorow.
DABRIT 10 years ago
@Phowell2015 , Sweet thanks for the update!
Phowell2015 10 years ago
As of now the Unity 5 bug fix patch is out! so no worres.
Phowell2015 10 years ago
I am working on it.
But right now since Nelson temporarly disabeled the assit packs i have to replace alot of items and i had to unscribe to many mods so that i could load the game. meaning i need to remake some areas.
and i am on a week long vacation and i cannot work on this 100%
but the lighting is done and some item spawns are fixed and for the sake of time i will have to redo the shipwreck not this update.
so if you want i can relase a unfinished update. just tell me. as the update is already be unity 5 aproved. just many missing objects.
DABRIT 10 years ago
Have you updated this to Unity 5?
Phowell2015 10 years ago
Hello everyone! Here is my map! If you see anything fishy or is disfunctinal tell me? (but first please look at the bottom before posting)! and if you have suggestions please commet above!
Phowell2015 10 years ago
Thanks for the help! sorry for that!
DABRIT 10 years ago
@Phowell2015 , Your map has been apporved, If you need to update it or edit the map at any time please use the edit function on your submissions page located at
Phowell2015 10 years ago
Umm.. i need to edit this right now. Please! the main image is messed up...