Doomed Island
A PvP clans map without any zombies, players will have to fight over valuable loot locations in order to survive.
There are 3 loot locations, and the rest of the island is clear for base building. Players will have to form alliances and use their crafting knowledge to build tools and weapons to gain themselves and their allies an advantage over the competition.
(This map demonstrates the concept that it is possible to survive (almost) indefinitely in the wilderness in Unturned without outside interference.)
This map is designed to be played on the "Hard" difficulty setting, as hunger/thirst are more punishing that way.
I would love to see someone get a dedicated server up for this map, as I cannot run one.
Please give me suggestions for loot balance and features to add to this map.
Current Version: V1.0.2
V1.0.2 Added rope table at loot locations to make it easier to get a bow
V1.0.1 Changed name in maps list
V1.0.0 Created
1 Comment
DABRIT 9 years ago
@DJ DJ DJ Hearn , Your map has been apporved, If you need to update it or edit the map at any time please use the edit function on your submissions page located at