Clear Water Island 0.1

  • Clear Water Island 0.1
  • Clear Water Island 0.1
  • Clear Water Island 0.1
  • Clear Water Island 0.1
  • Clear Water Island 0.1

Noodle 5657 Views ~ Posted 09-10-2015

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| Welcome To Clearwater Island | Welcome to the bustling suburb of Clearwater Island. Located in the Canadian Maritimes, Clearwater is characterised with cities, towns, lakes, dams, hiking trails, and even missile bases. Since Clearwater is an extremly large map, it would take hours to even remotely explore it all! Plus, every location is fully furnished, detailed, and playable. It can be played in PvE or PvP, providing an immersed experience for both modes. But it doesn't end there, Clearwater contains multiple bioms, like oceans (duh), forests, and grasslands for a literal change in scenery from location to location. To conclude, Clearwater Island is by far my most proud project, clocking in at 4 months in the making. I still plan to add more locations, preferably from your feedback! So post your suggestions in the comments below, but most importantly, have fun survivors! | My Other Maps/Links | My Official Map Collection | Notes | -Make sure to rate and favorite Clearwater! -Clearwater requires multiple object packs which are listed to the right, make sure you have them or you won't be able to play the map! -Look at the change notes to keep up to date with Clearwater Island! | Credits | Level Design: The Noodle King Screenshots: The Noodle King Playtesting: Spaghetti Toast Special Thanks: Turbofluffgamer

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THE XD MASTER 7 years ago


10/MEME stay away from my family