Frenk-Objects V1.3.7.3

  • Frenk-Objects V1.3.7.3
  • Frenk-Objects V1.3.7.3
  • Frenk-Objects V1.3.7.3
  • Frenk-Objects V1.3.7.3
  • Frenk-Objects V1.3.7.3

Frenk.1999.98K 5793 Views ~ Posted 07-01-2016

1 Comment 3.x.x License

You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. Notices: You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation. No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material. Read More @

1569 Download

Objects IDs:
6769 - 6809 -|- 7895 - 7991
[fog bug fixed="✔"]
Fr House #0
Fr Crate #0
Fr RockGuitar #0
Fr WaterMelon #0-1
Fr WreckedBoat #0
Fr RescueBoat #0
Fr GardenDeco #0
Fr Bart Truck #0
Fr Truck #0
Fr Truck #1
Fr Crab #0
Fr DeadShark #0
Fr Shelter Floor #0
Fr Shelter Wall #0
Fr Shelter DoorWay #0
Fr Strimmer #0
Fr Lawnmower #0
Fr DogHouse #0
Fr DogBowl #0-4
Fr Bank #0 ✔
Fr Frenk #0
Fr SWAT #0
Fr Avenger #0
Fr MedicNote #0
Fr Rusty #0
Fr Rusty #1
Fr FireAxe Box #0
Fr Italian Pizzeria #0 ✔
Fr Pizza #0 ✔
Fr Pizza Shovel #0
Fr Ambulance #0-1 ✔
Fr SWAT #1-2 ✔
Fr SWAT Truck #0 ✔
Fr RoyalGuard #0-2 ✔
Fr Body #0 ✔
Fr Body #1 ✔
Fr Sign #0 ✔
Fr BaseBall Ball #0 ✔
Fr BaseBall Glove #0 ✔
Fr VolksWagen Camper #0 ✔
Fr Buckingham Palace #0 ✔ (main structure)
Fr Buckingham Palace #1 ✔ (rooms)
Fr Building #0-3 ✔
Fr Golf Bag #0 ✔
Fr Air Drop Crate #0-1 ✔
Fr Wind Turbine #0 ✔ (Original design by "mntdew0891")
Fr Guillotine #0 ✔
Fr CuriosityShop #0 ✔
Fr BritishBuilding #0 ✔
Fr Pilgrim Hospital #0 ✔ (Sign)
FR IXEA Box Kit #0-7 ✔
FR Grill #0 ✔ (Original design by "mntdew0891")
FR Engine #0 ✔ (Original design by "mntdew0891")
FR Military Sonic Jet #0 ✔ (Original design by "mntdew0891") (render distance problem)
FR Wrecked Londinese Bus #0 ✔
FR Londinese Bus #0 ✔
FR Londinese Bus Wheel #0 ✔
FR Wrecked Londinese Taxi #0 ✔
FR Ghost #0 ✔ (Halloween object. sorry if i posted it too late but i didn't had time before)
Future Objects:
feel free to suggest some objects
WWI and WWII Objects:
F Albatros #0
F S.E.5a #0
F Mark V #0
F A7V #0
F GermanMachineGun #0
SandBag #0
SandBags #0
SandBags #1
SandBags #2
F ShellHole #0
F ShellHole #1
F ShellHole #2
F ShellHole #3
F ShellHole #4
F ShellHole #5
F ShellHole #6
F ShellHole #7
F ShellHole #8
F ShellHole #9
F DestroyedBuilding #0
F Crate #0
F WWI Map #0
Future WWI and WWII Objects:
feel free to suggest some objects.
i'll also add trenches, some WWII tanks, some WWII planes, ecc...
Frenk-WWI and WWII Soldier Outfit
Frwnk-WWI PVP Map ( Link Soon )
super special thanks to TkiLler that helps me a lot with the Unity stuff :D
super special thanks to Dabrit too that made the review video :3


Drekdwerg 9 years ago

Hi Frenk

Is it possible for you to make a fit all glass window?

Im trying to create a server and a gameplay that is equal to arma humanity for the more.... ''adult'' serious kind of gamer